the Military Family Research Insitute
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Honoring Military Families with Trusted Research

Operation Military Experience (Operation ME) is a military research project, conducted by a team of trusted Purdue University researchers led by the Military Family Research Institute at Purdue University, to help improve the lives of military families.

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A Nationwide Study

Operation ME is a nationwide study to learn about adolescents who, as a young child, had a parent deploy after 9/11.

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Our Mission

We designed this project to learn how those adolescents are doing and use that information to improve the lives of military families.

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Meet Our Team

Operation ME is proudly conducted by a team of compassionate and professional researchers.

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A Look Inside

Our team understands the resilience of military families. We are committed to supporting that resiliency.

Sharing Experiences for a Better Future

We want to understand how young children’s exposure to deployment may influence the choices they make as adolescents.

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